How to increase street awareness of your business

For many industries, your brick and mortar premises will be the backbone of your business, with both the retail and some parts of the service industry solidly relying on their physical stores being in as prime of a location as possible in order to garner the most customers to come through the doors and spend money. Obviously finding a good spot to put your business should’ve been your first thought when you chose the premises you are currently working out of and you should’ve chosen the location that either needed a business like yours to fill a gap in the market or that was most suitable to gain maximum exposure to your premises. However even the best locations can be problematic at certain times, whether that be seasonal changes, changes in the kinds of people around or even economic recession.

So it’s important that you are always thinking outside the box in terms of how to attract customers from the roadside and the street to come into your premises no matter what the individual circumstances are. There are many different ways of doing this and there are individual pros and cons to each different way of doing it. Obviously some forethought into what will work best and what is most suitable for you as a business need to be done, however in this article we hope to give you a few helpful suggestions of starting points to trial so let’s begin with a few of the more familiar choices.

Street side promotion

The best way to get out there and engage with your customers is, well, to get out there and engage with your customers. This means sending some of your team out into the big, bad high-street to give out leaflets, try to engage people in conversation or even to hand out free samples of your products or possibly even coupons that confer a discount on the holder which is particularly good way to encourage people to come and check out your business and what you do. This can be a very helpful tool for businesses such as cosmetics and fragrance boutiques and food outlets. Offering the samples has an added bonus of setting the customers’ expectations of both your products quality and relevance to them but also of your company as a whole, showing them that you are willing to invest and trust in the products you sell and your customers themselves.

There is a downside of course and that is that it will leave you either short of the amount of staff required to carry out your promotional efforts or leave you needing to take on some temporary staff either to replace those staff members on road or to carry out the promotional work itself and most businesses choose the latter. It can also be a slightly desperate looking measure that can be taken in the wrong way by some people however this is mainly a minority of killjoys and mostly people will appreciate the effort that you are going to appeal to them and will respond positively to any kind of free sample. Let’s face it the only thing that makes a piece of cake better is if it is a free piece of cake.

Appropriate signage

Obviously if your premises are located along of a row of stores on in a location like the high-street a lot of people could potentially be walking past your premises without even realizing it’s there. When we have an end destination in mind unless our eye is caught by something we are very unlikely to passively look from side to side for no reason and this behavior has been studied extensively and it boils down to our history of being predators and hunters rather than prey, meaning that we focus only on the important or obvious things when we have a predetermined goal to follow and good signage should really mean the difference between getting noticed and being walked straight past.

Good signage should give the potential customer a clear idea of who you are, what you offer and obviously keep in line with your companies preexisting colour scheme, logo and any supporting mottos or images that can help your customers understand you at first glance. A professional sign writer can help you with this and will be able to also assist with both the design and creation phase to leave you with the sign that serves your business the best.  Please click the following link for more information about sign makers.


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